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Though my journey of university over the three years i have had several briefs which have exposed  me to thinking of


illustration in a narrative context and many ways in which you display your interpretation to a wider viewing


audience. At first narrative was not something I was keen on because I struggled to make my imagery work well with


the content but as the time has passed it has found a spot in creative development so much so that it has played a


big part in construction of this brief. When I stumbled across the story of Charles L. Thomas an incredibly brave


African American war hero how severed in ww2 I thought I have to include such an inspirational person as part of the


character cast. After researching more into his story and his role in the army decide to rewrite his story keeping key


elements of the events but adding my twist then present it as a short intro to a an intro to an interactive comic


series. This is the result what you can see in the video is an early development of prototype new still of digital


comics. I knew that comics as much as I live them is not everyone’s cup of tea so had to think off way in which i can


make viewing my work an enjoyable experience, so for this I have animated several panels of the strip to add a fun


visual element to draw the view attention to the display and once they are they will have the chance to take control


of the piece itself. This process is achieved by the sensor technology which presented in the clip it encourages the


user to move around and use gestures to prompt reactions in the display. at this stage I’m really happy with the way


it has turned out I feel that use of sensor technology accompanied with unique use of animated imagery really brings


new dimensions to traditional ways in which comics may developed in the years to come, add sound into the mix then we


have powerful display that simulates some of the key sense of body which I believe will appeal all ages.                    


The images which follow below are the animated gif files which made up the contents of this short story take a look and I hope you enjoy.   

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